Your terminal's contactless function is not working properly, payments are being declined, or a card is not accepted.
Run a Diagnostic
Test the chip card reader, the NFC Antenna and the magnetic swipe reader as described in Diagnostic.
If one of the tests fails, contact our customer support.
If the problem doesn't seem related to the terminal hardware, continue with the next solutions.
Check also first two tests results are “Ok”, if you don’t have internet connection, payments are likely to fail.
Solution for payments being declined
Ask the shopper to try a different card or try the same card in a different terminal.
Check that the terminal is connected to the internet.
Ask the shopper (gently) if they have enough funds on the card or if the card has some restrictions (cash withdrawal, specific items…).
Check card brand to see if it is supported.
If the above solutions do not work, contact customer support.